Any number from 2 to 12 that is divisible by 2 or 3 (2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10 or 12 players who are willing to drink mass amounts of alcohol).
Playing surface, 104 Sequence cards, at least 50 blue crowning chips, 50 green crowning chips and 50 red crowning chips. If no crowning chips are available beer caps are a suitable replacement, and if all else fails, glass beads.
A connected series of five of the same colored chip either up or down, across or diagonally on the playing surface. NOTE: The game must be played with the true color of chips facing up, white "crown" side facing down.
When a Sequence has been established, these five chips must be turned over, exposing the white "crown" side of the chip. The player will then sing with joy that he/she has completed a sequence with an already existing jingle or make up his/her own. Examples are as follows: "When the moon hits your eyes, like a big pizza pie, that's a SEQUENCE", or " In the city... city of Sequence". This indicates to all players that a Sequence has occurred, and cannot be disturbed.
The four corners are to be considered Free Markers; all players can use them as though their color chip is in the corner. All players may work from the same corner if they wish to.
(For 2 players or 2 teams) For one person or team to score the most SEQUENCES by the time all cards have been played. (For 3 players or 3 teams) For one person or team to score as many SEQUENCES as possible before their opponents.
(For 2 players or 2 teams) All players must be evenly divided into two teams. Team members must alternate with opponents around the playing surface. Jokers must be discarded from deck and players determine amongst themselves who deals. The person selected deals and names the style of play to be used for that particular round. Place the playing surface on a flat surface with plenty of room around the playing surface to place the deck of cards, marker chips and discards for each player. The dealer should shuffle the cards, deal out the same number of cards to each player (see table below for proper number of cards to be dealt). Be sure all team members have the same color marker chips. (For 3 players or 3 teams) All players must divide evenly into three teams.
For 2 players - dealer's discretion, unless stated by particular style
For 3 players - dealer's discretion, unless stated by particular style
For 4 players - dealer's discretion, unless stated by particular style
For 6 players - dealer's discretion, unless stated by particular style
For 8 players - dealer's discretion, unless stated by particular style
For 9 players - dealer's discretion, unless stated by particular style
For 10 players - dealer's discretion, unless stated by particular style
For 12 players - dealer's discretion, unless stated by particular style
1. Beginning with the player to the left of the dealer and moving in
a clockwise direction, each player places any one of the cards they are holding
face up or down depending on style chosen, on the discard pile. Each
player should start their own discard pile in front of them visible to all
players, and then place one of their marker chips on the same card on the
playing surface. (Notice that 2 of every card in the deck, except the Jacks,
are represented on the playing surface.) The players can play on either one
of the two as long as it is not already covered by another marker chip.
2. The Jacks. There are 8 Jacks in the card deck. The Jacks with TWO EYES are wild. When it is your turn, place your two eyed Jack on your discard pile and place one of your marker chips on any open space on the playing surface. The Jacks with ONE EYE are anti-wild. When it is your turn, place your one eyed Jack on your discard pile and remove any marker chip on the playing surface except a marker chip that is already part of a legal SEQUENCE. Once a SEQUENCE is achieved by a player or a team, it can not be taken away.
3. If you hold a card in your hand which does not have an open space on the playing surface, because both spaces representing that card are covered by previous use of two wild cards, or a combination of one wild card and one exact match-you are holding a DEAD CARD and you may turn it in for a new card. When it is your turn, place the dead card on your discard pile, then draw the top card from the deck and announce that you are turning in a dead card. Then proceed to take your normal turn.
4. Once you have taken your turn and placed your marker chip on the playing surface, you may draw a replacement card from the deck. If you fail to draw your replacement card before the next player makes a move and draws their replacement card, you lose the right to draw a replacement card and you must finish the game with fewer cards than the other players must.
5. There must be no table talk or coaching team members. If a teammate says anything that alerts a fellow teammate to the fact that they are about to do something that they shouldn't, every member of that team must forfeit one drink to player who caught them cheating.
6. Play continues in a clockwise direction until one person or team scores the required number of SEQUENCES at which point that player or team wins the game. Optional Rule: (If you are playing the game which requires more than one SEQUENCE, you may use one space from one SEQUENCE as part of your second).
Explanation of Sequence styles: Sequence Styles were implemented to enhance the diversity and enjoyment of this popular classic. The styles simply build on and/or modify already existing sequence rules. Combinations of styles are allowed and encouraged. Please feel free to invent your own styles and let us know about them here.
1. Chicago Blind Man - The dealer deals 7 cards to each person. Players are not allowed to look at their cards. This will be referred to from now on as blind. The player begins by playing top card and then placing the drawn card to the bottom pile. This Style requires luck and skill to know where to place the cards to have the best chance for a sequence.
2. Lincoln Style - Six cards are dealt to each player. Three of these cards will be kept blind (the player is not allowed to look at them, remember). The other three cards will be kept in the hand and played as normal. When the turn arises a player may either play out of his hand or take the top card from his/her blind pile. The replacement card must be returned to the group that was played from, if it was the blind pile then the replacement card will be placed on the bottom.
3. Roca Style - In the style three cards are dealt to each player to start. The first player must play all three cards, then draw three replacement cards. Play continues in this fashion.
4. Defiance Style - This is rather simple style inspired by a rather simple town. Two cards are dealt to each person and play resumes as normal.
5. Bi - In this Style Two-Eyed Jacks are interchangeable with One-Eyed Jacks. This means that a One-Eyed Jack can be wild and a Two-Eyed Jack can remove. The Phrase "Jacks like givin' it, Jacks like takin' it", must be announced at some point during the game.
6. Omaha - Player will place his discarded card face down so that the other players do not know what card has actually been played. The player may then place his/her chip anywhere on the playing surface. This type of play allows for bluffing. When another player suspects someone of bluffing he/she will then call "Bullshit" on the play. The discarded card is then turned over to reveal if a bluff has been played or not. If the player was caught bluffing then the one who called him out must remove three of that players chips. If the player was proved to be not bluffing then the player is allowed to remove three chips from the player who called him out. This is a very difficult style play. Poker faces come in very handy in this style.
7. Tits and Ass - In this style Queens are considered wild. The played cards are also placed face down, this means the bluffing rules explained in Omaha style are in effect.
8. Drinking Sequence - *Caution* this is only to be used when the deed must get done. Do not attempt to use this if you are not serious about puttin' one on. This is simple math and beer. For every card played, the player drinks half the value of the card. Aces are equal to one point, therefore one half drink would be consumed for playing an ace.
9. Big Montana - Sequences can go farther than just five. The person with the most pieces wins.
10. Pollock Style - Once you get a sequence of five in a row it is a sequence and cannot be touched. Sequences can be added onto after they are on the table. At the end add up the white marks to see who is the winner. Sequences can also be combined.
11. Bullshit Brad
- In this style of sequence Brad plays whatever style suits his needs at the
time. When Brad is playing in this manner it is almost impossible to win and
other players should give Brad something else to do such as drink.
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